Monday, September 12, 2011

Back from our travels and ready to sew!

Wow! Talk about a busy month. August was great. We finished up our Sewing Camps and Angelina and I hit the road as we did a whirlwind week of college visits. Thankfully, all the colleges were within a 5 1/2 hour radius of home. We did get the opportunity to visit a wonderful quilt store in Vernon, Connecticut, Quilting by the Yard. The staff was absolutely fantastic and helped us soo much. (They also recommended that we try out the Diner on the corner, Reins Deli, fantabulous with Gluten-Free sandwiches, yummmmm)
The following week we set off on our 2 1/2 week adventure to the west. We first went to Colorado Springs, Colorado to visit our son, Felipe. While there we attended the Colorado State Fair and a rodeo in Pueblo, Colorado. Of course I went into the Craft showcase exhibit. The wonderful techniques of the entries were inspiring.
We then headed to the Grand Canyon. Angelina chose a whitewater rafting trip which included Class 5 and 6 Uplifting is just too tame of a word.
We were out of touch with the world. We actually stayed in a place where we had no cell coverage nor internet connection. It was soooo different. Then off to Las Vegas.
While visiting with Daniel we had the opportunity to visit another quilt store, Fabric Boutique. They had wonderful fabric and patterns. I also picked up a collection of Las Vegas inspired fabric.
So today I will be returning phone calls and scheduling. Our open house is Saturday from 1-4, please feel free to stop by.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Fall Schedules

I am very excited about the coming school year! My schedules are coming together. I will be offering classes on Monday thru Thursday and of course my classes twice a month on Saturday!
Summer Camp is finishing up. My Dear Daughter has some college visits in store for me and a quick visit with my sons will wind up my summer. Don't forget to register as soon as you are able.